"I Told Bucks Ownership I Don't Understand Why You're Doing This" - Doc Rivers Simply Cannot Be Stopped, This Time Throwing The Bucks Owners Under The Bus For Hiring Him

Sam Hodde. Getty Images.

Listen, I understand how this may look coming from a Celts blogger. I don't mean to pile on here and I get that it may seem like I am but my hands are tied here. If Doc is going to keep giving interviews and having disaster quote after disaster quote, I have to blog it. I don't know what's going on over in MIL, but it might be time to tell Doc to stop getting in front of a mic for a while. In fact, it might be best if everyone from the players to Doc stepped away and stopped fueling the fire. We all know there aren't any games going on right now and everyone has to talk about something but none of this is helping.

For a guy that's had this job for a cup of coffee, we've already seen Doc throw his players under the bus twice, talk about how hard it was to take this team over midseason as a reason for their current struggles, and now we have Doc essentially throwing the Bucks owners under the bus too . Coming off the heels of JJ Redick's rant earlier today

It's very funny that's exactly what Doc is doing here. Am I crazy or did the Bucks not force Doc to take this job? If he didn't think it was right and he shouldn't be the coach, he could have said no thank you. Did that happen? Nope! He signed on for the next 3.5 years and happily accepted the cash that came with it. I'm not all that experienced in getting NBA head coaching jobs, but my guess is once you have one you probably shouldn't be going on NBA radio to talk about how you told your new bosses they were a bunch of dummies for firing Adrian Griffin and wanting to hire you instead. 

If someone were to show you that clip, you would probably think it was coming after Doc left the Bucks right? Does that sound like a guy who is locked in and totally invested in his current job? I can only imagine how this is playing among Bucks fans. Given everything that's come out over the last few days, I feel like at this point you just have to pretend it's not happening. It should surprise no one given this has been Doc's M.O for YEARS, and as more and more teams still bring him in and pay him millions of dollars, why should he change? Even if it doesn't work out, it's never his fault anyway.

I will say, if this is all a ploy to get canned because he knows the team doesn't have it and Doc still wants his money, then bravo. He's putting on a masterclass in how to get paid to do nothing. But if that's not what this is and Doc simply can't help himself from throwing everyone involved with the Bucks under the bus while still being their head coach, well that's certainly a choice.

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